dimanche 16 août 2009

Erro and the collage

Erro was born in Ólafsvík, Iceland Gu ð mundur Gu ð mundsson in 1932 his artist's first name of Ferro. Very early he meets artists, writers and critics bound to the surrealist movement: Breton but also Matta, Brauner, Masson, Max Ernst, Man Ray, Miro and Duchamp. He realizes mosaics and papers of the poems publish " Mecanismo, mécamanifeste ", " 100 mechanical poems.

The subjects of the plastic works of Err ó are inspired by images of my comic strips and in faces(figures) of despotic politicians. He also brings back the faces of the universe of Wal Disney side by side with Greek gods and madones. We see appearing with these last ones, we see appearing the German dictator Adolf Hitler together with sound of filing down of Saddam Hussein and the Chinese communist leader Mao Tsé-Toung.

Combining paint and collage, in works which join the principles of the narrative representation, Erro proceeds gladly by kaléidoscopique juxtaposition of images borrowed from the media universe, with strong political connotations.

There are sorts of laws which allow series of images to live from the moment when they found it the others to work picturalement. So I look, sometimes for a long time, for one or several documents which are going to give life to these stored images. So that the marriage between documents can finally come true, I have to feel the possibilities of a contrast or a common tension. It also happens that the agreement likes by the strength of their confrontation.
To contemplate the works of Err ó, it is as to assemble a puzzle even if are no collages.

Numerous reviews were dedicated to him. To the museum of modern art of the City of Bets and to the national gallery of the Real tennis. In 2005, the Museum of modern and contemporary art of Palma of Majorca. Mac Val to Vitry on the Seine in Val-de-Marne exposes regularly its collages.

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