samedi 8 août 2009


Many new artistic forms rest on the experiments of Man Ray which, after beginnings of draughtsmen advertising executive in New York, works since 1916 with Marcel Duchamp and will become one of the representatives of Dadaïste and surrealism.

For fifty-year-old Man ray we tend to widen the limits of the recognized art: in the paint by the use of materials foreign to the painting(cloth) and to the color, in the sculpture by the employment of the other materials that the classic bronze or the stone which give the stamp of the work of art. To reach this purpose, it was necessary to have appeal to new sources of inspiration such as the primitive art, the works of the mental patients and the children, the realm of dreams, the black magic, the mathematics and the automatic or unchecked drives by the logic.

For this reason it appears in this heading because it is regarded as the second inventor of the frame and that its work comprises many photomontage and collage (Boardwalk).

One can say that its work is the sensual expression poético thought of Marcel Duchamp. May Ray describes the invention of the frame like an action “automatic” unconscious, accomplished in darkroom, which connects its with the automatic writing of her surrealist colleagues Breton and Soupault. Its frames show completely ordinary, but transformed objects of appearance “so curious to observe to observe. He called already this photographic work of the rayographes.

Between 1920 and 1930, Man Ray makes party of the artists which presents a new type of photographs. The technical innovation leaves to the photographers a great freedom which the various artistic and literary currents irrigate. The photomontage open new ways, testify to the boiling and the abundance of research.

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