vendredi 19 mai 2023

NTF Face of Fire janvier 2023

High quality physical production on alu dibond delivery after purchase of this NFT at posted price

Human vision does not operate like a camera, it distorts, confuses, agglomerates, mixes and deforms. It is for me to go beyond automations to find a new vision through a process of emergence, close to artificial intelligence. This approach is to observe how photographic shooting, image fusion algorithms bring back to art. The works may be presented in various formats and several copies on any paper, screen or aluminum medium.

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Forum des Halles Paris mai 2023

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lundi 15 mai 2023

Alert Surveillance Robot - serial -

Alert surveillance is a series of NFT whose number is not yet defined. It represents the photo of a video camera in an urban environment. This camera is represented in the usual style of the artist which is the superposition of layers of different photos. At the top of each camera there is a figurine whose eyes also seem to monitor and mark an expression of boredom, surprise, fun etc. These eyes are each time different and come from figurines, doll. Toys. These fake eyes pretend to see what the camera is recording. Why wouldn’t these eyes be as digital in real life and integrated with artificial intelligence. A digital intelligence that interprets things differently depending on the program that drives them. I invite the viewer of this series to think about it.

vendredi 21 avril 2023

Imaginaire et réel - phénomène d'émergence du numérique

Artificial intelligence more precisely the digital makes disappear the border that separates the real and the imaginary. This proposal a police charge during a protest against pension reform that is very real. An abstract form that appears in the background without being solicited. There is no border between reality and the digital device that makes the imaginary form appear. Technical tools are only incidental and do not define art

L’intelligence artificielle plus précisément le numérique fait disparaitre la frontière qui sépare le réel et l’imaginaire. Cette proposition une charge de police pendant une manifestation contre la réforme des retraites qui est bien réelle. Une forme abstraite qui apparait en arrière-plan sans qu’on l’ait sollicité. Il n'y a pas de frontière entre la réalité et le dispositif numérique qui fait apparaitre la forme imaginaire. Les outils techniques ne sont qu'accessoire et ne définissent pas l'art