vendredi 19 juillet 2024

The four friends

Public postering

Public postering : Freedom in a small space. It is practically impossible to focus on an image because it passes quickly. Like the flow of media images that are an informational overload for the mind

dimanche 11 février 2024

New Menines 2024

Digital editing using Ménines de Vélasquez with elements designed with AI. Evocation of the history of modern art with Picasso and Francis Bacon who greatly appreciated Velasquez.

mercredi 7 février 2024

Les Nouvelles Demoiselles d'Avignon 2024

In this painting I refer indirectly to the painting Demoiselles d'Avignon by Picasso. Where the characters are drawn in a completely new way for the time.

mercredi 31 janvier 2024

New version robot

Robot heads symbolize digital hardware and programming. The eyes of robot characters mimic real life. In the digital world very often pushing the limits is to create new versions of what has already been done by improving them. See the various versions of photshop or Windows. Each new version pushes the boundaries.

Study of Robot heads metaphor of a new digital version. A new robot head emerges, a new version .. The other robots seem surprised by this emergence of a new version.