This table Guitar done by Picasso in printemps1926 which is composed of strings, newsprint, mop and nails surtoile painted Aragon gave a pretext for the following thought: "Around the same time, he arrived as Picasso did something very serious. He grabbed a shirt dirty and he settled on a canvas with a thread and a needle. And as with him any runs guitar, it was a guitar, for example. He made a collage with nails coming out of the picture. "
This "serious matter" which speaks Aragon is in fact one of the strongest works, the most unyielding of the art of Picasso, as violence across expresses it, it seems to involve evil forces which is the magic inherent in the work of a painter.
This painting goes hand in hand with another guitar which is like its counterpart: in one, the nails are driven into the support, in the other, they aggressively kinds of table. Poverty the misérabilisme of these dirty and torn rags, one of which is torn cross-shaped, the other hole, the strings that transpercent paintings, nails and tears, it gives off a feeling of malaise, pain, and strange that gives these works the sacred dimension of horror.
None decorative curve, no charm of color, not just cruel soften the blow of this table. It's an expression of anger aggressive and powerful in a language that makes it painfully clear Penrose writes. Picasso had even thought of walnut razor blades on the corners of the field to what is cuts lifting the fingers.
The choice of fabric as the basic material and technology sewing, sewing needle with yarn and is a feature that is found in a series of small cardboard guitars with pieces of tulle, twine and nails, dating from the same period. A page of a book shows we also collected.
This dimension secret and magical works are confirmed in him and by his own statements. In an interview with CarltonLake, it is himself who made the rapprochement between his guitar and the paintings of Lascaux and Altamira