A collage by Matisse, the black spots, they are the bugs and it did not completely stick the pieces which fall apart a little to accentuate the effect of movement. Extraordinary! The third great painter who it first used joining, it is George Braque and also Max Ernst, the Dada movement and Prévert. Matisse, will also employ the techniques of joining in its works. Indeed, it is? assistance of paper which it will build the bodies of the series of naked blue (1952).
Joining woman and monkeys (1952) are representative of this series of joinings. Matisse formerly prepared its tables with cut out papers but it will work out an autonomous technique only between 1943 and 1950. It takes large white blocks, painted with the gouache, cuts out there various forms which it then sticks on a white zone. Matisse gives following precise details about these joinings “cut out paper enables me to draw in the color, for me it acts of a simplication. Instead of tracing contours and to put at it couleurn one transforming the other, I draw directly in the color. This significance guarantees precise dissolves of the two means which are nothing any more but one. I do not advise absolutely this form of expression to be exerted. It is a result not a starting point. It supposes an infinite subtlety and a long experiment”. L artist named this method “to draw with scissors”. The compositions carried out thus are at the same time full with life, charming and solemn. At the beginning the talbeau Woman and Singe that Matisse conceived for its hotel room Regina in Nice were much smaller and showed only the sitted women and the grenades.
These monographs of a new kind propose to the young readers a significant and concrete approach of art. Each work approaches the life and the work of a painter - how it worked, of what it was inspired… - in a clear and ludic way, while always going to essence. With Art and the manner, we enter truly a work and we let us discover all the richness of it. Henri Matisse carried out an important part of his work by using the technique of cut out papers. By means of simple scissors, it manages to preserve same fluidity as with a brush. This simple technique seemingly - almost a play of child - makes it possible Matisse to capture the movement and to control the rate/rhythm. While playing with the lines and the colors, it gives rise to forms spontaneous, air, dancing… With cut out papers, the colors release, are expressed, and formed a universe full with freshness of movement and life… A universe which this work invites to discover. To cut directly in the color like a sculptor in the stone, only a 80 years Matisse which controlled at the same time the sculpture and painting could dare it. The process is very new. It been useful forever. It surprises everyone. The chromatic improvisations born from the scissors of Matisse and its gouachés papers reach from the start the goal which it always set: to make a success of the perfect synthesis of the line and the color.
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