No need to introduce Picasso the most famous artist of the XXème century. One of most inventive, it admirably knew to adapt to the large currents of its century like the cubism. It invents it artistic joining in 1912 with George Braque.
In homage to Tristant Tzara theorist and poet of the movement Hobby-horse Picasso and Braque call this new technique “stuck papers”. The first work to be raised of joining was the Still life in the caned chair of Picasso.
This table emphasizes a piece of oil-cloth representing itself a cane-bottoming of chair. It exploits after fully the innovative character of this technique
After these first experiments any materials can be integrated in the fabrics of the painters cubists drink, charts to be played, subway ticket. These tables can be connected with the first artistic assemblies. This technique will have thereafter an influence in the cinema although it is not the subject of a theorization.
These first tables cubists are characterized by a research on the geometry and the forms represented: all the objects are found divided and reduced into simple geometrical forms, often of the squares. That means in fact that object is not represented such as it appears obviously, but by codes corresponding é its known reality .
In the Thirties Picasso is interested in the frames (photogramme in French) surely encouraged by Brassaï and Dora Maar. While treating and by recopying photographic plates. It reveint with the technique that frame at the beginning of the Sixties and realizes with André Villier of the assemblies of photographs and frames: it is about cutting of Picasso that Villier copies by combining them with its clean photographs. It is resulted from it 200 operations.
See Picasso Guitar
See collage Women in their toilet
Picasso widens the register of application of the principle of the papers stuck by using the newspaper. October 1912. Picasso creates a first sculpture of assembly, this “Guitar” out of paperboard, cord and wire, which it will take again during the winter 1912-1913 with sheet and wire. These principles will be taken again largely by the artists of the second part of the XXème century. Matisse at the end its life will be carried out also stuck papers.
Picasso is buried in the park of the castle of Vauvenargues in the Bouches du Rhone.
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