what glue do you use ? Collage to the Galerie Cadenas Bellanger
Exhibition of January 11 to February 10, 2007 Exposure suggested by Yves Brochard.
An exhibition proposed by Yves Borcard
"All books on Dada tells the story of Kurt Schwitters raking the streets of Hanover in search of butts and concert tickets used for his collages; The theory of basic Dada who wants that art can be made from anything equaled the basic theory punk selaon which everyone could make the art "
It is well on one of the reasons, but one would find well of them others, for which one regularly finds the term of joining in all the history of the XXème century. Cubism with aujourd' huii, while passing by dadaism, futurism, surrealism… until impossible to circumvent “the just what is that make todays' S different home so, so appealing?” of Richard Hamilton in 1956, there is some one of works impossible to circumvent and always terribly temporary by this idea of juxtaposition of images, of matters… of different sources and which, Re arranged create a new and always unexpected “situation”. In this introduction, one will surlignera the species of will have which surrounds from now on all these historical works, will have that already André Breton in “point of the day underlined” by evoking the years “which make jauniir the ends of newspapers whose very fresh ink did not contribute little to the insolence of splendid stuck papers of 1913” one will surlignera also the similarity of method in time kind “Tatlin At home” of Raoul Haussmann in 1920 and Richard Hmilton which forty years later, had established for its work of joinings a “programmmatic” kind of classification: man, woman, food, history, newspapers, cinema, instruments domestic, cars, spaces, comic strips, television, telephone, information. One will voluntarily not make distinction between joining, stuck paper, assembly, assembly. on the contrary, in its development, this project perhaps pointed other questions: which images, which porvenances, which construction? The title is not other than the first question put during an interview to one of these English artists who always worked joining: John Stezaker. The exposure on collage to the Workshop Cardenas Bellanger was built like a joining. Various people: artists, galerists, police chiefs… were invited to propose an axis and also names of artists for this project. One should thus see there various perceptions of the topicality but also techniques of what Jean clay called “this genuine explosive device” and which everywhere one murmurs great vitality today: “Yes, thirty years later I am always there with my scalpel, my pile of magazines and my tube of adhesive”.
(1) Greil Marcus "Lispstick traces" Allia Paris 1998
(2) Linder : Dream a little dream of me" Frog n° 4, Paris Automne / Hiver 2006
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