mercredi 12 avril 2023

La conceptions de NFT On chain et off chain.

The designs of NFT On chain and off chain. This concept is evoked in the presentation of the NFT at the Pompidou Centre in the permanent exhibition. The off-chain is an autonomous digital work. The “on chain” in the continuity of generative works of art. Generative art is an art form that uses computer algorithms to produce works of art, often autonomously or semi-autonomously. Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to create generative artworks by providing the algorithm with training data and rules to generate images, sounds, videos or other art forms. Generative art is also used to explore new forms of artistic expression and to produce works of art that would otherwise be difficult to create without the use of technology. However, some people question the validity of generative art, claiming that works of art produced by algorithms lack the human aspect and emotion found in works created by human artists. Despite these criticisms, generative art is increasingly used and appreciated in the world of contemporary art, and AI and specialized algorithms continue to open up new possibilities for the creative artist. (To be continued)

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